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How to Care for Your Russian Volume Lashes for Longevity?

Aug 21

3 min read




Russian volume lashes are known for their luxurious and full appearance, offering a dramatic enhancement to your natural lashes. These lashes are created by applying multiple ultra-fine extensions to each natural lash, providing a voluminous and dense look. 

Proper care is essential to maintain their beauty and maximize their lifespan. According to beauty experts, taking good care of your volume lashes can extend their life and keep them looking fabulous for weeks.

In this blog, we will cover ten essential tips to care for your Russian volume lashes. You will learn simple and effective methods to keep your lashes clean, maintain their volume, and avoid common pitfalls that can shorten their lifespan.

Russian Volume Lashes

8 Tips to Care for Your Russian Volume Lashes

  • Avoid Getting Them Wet for the First 24 Hours

After getting your Russian volume lashes, avoid water for the first 24 hours. This allows the adhesive to cure properly, ensuring your lashes stay in place longer. Water can weaken the adhesive if exposed too soon.

  • Clean Your Lashes Regularly

Keeping your lashes clean is crucial to preventing the buildup of oils and debris. Use a gentle, oil-free cleanser designed for eyelash extensions. Cleaning your lashes daily helps maintain their volume and prevent infections.

  • Be Gentle When Touching Your Lashes

Handle your lashes with care. Avoid rubbing your eyes or pulling on your lashes. Being rough can cause the extensions to fall out prematurely. Use a soft brush to gently groom your lashes.

  • Avoid Oil-Based Products

Oil-based makeup removers and skincare products can break down the adhesive used for your volume lashes. Opt for water-based or lash-friendly products to extend the life of your extensions.

  • Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back can help protect your lashes from being crushed or tangled. If you prefer sleeping on your side or stomach, consider using a silk pillowcase to reduce friction and protect your lashes.

  • Avoid Heat and Steam

Exposure to heat and steam can weaken the adhesive bond of your volume lashes. Be cautious when using hairdryers, saunas, and steam rooms. Keep your face away from direct heat sources.

  • Use a Lash Sealer

A lash sealer can help protect your extensions from moisture and oils. Applying a lash sealer every few days can prolong the life of your volume lashes by reinforcing the adhesive bond.

  • Brush Your Lashes Daily

Brushing your lashes daily with a clean spoolie helps keep them looking neat and prevents tangling. Gently brush from the base to the tip to maintain the volume and shape of your lashes.

Types of Russian Volume Lashes



Fan Count


Best For


Lightest volume

2 extensions per natural lash

0.07mm - 0.05mm

Beginners, natural look


Light volume

3 extensions per natural lash

0.07mm - 0.05mm

Subtle enhancement


Medium volume

4 extensions per natural lash

0.07mm - 0.05mm

More noticeable fullness


Medium-heavy volume

5 extensions per natural lash

0.07mm - 0.05mm

Dramatic look


Heavy volume

6 extensions per natural lash

0.07mm - 0.05mm

Very full appearance


Ultra volume

8 extensions per natural lash

0.07mm - 0.03mm

Maximum volume


Mega volume

10 extensions per natural lash

0.05mm - 0.03mm

Extremely dramatic look


Combination of different volumes



Customized look


Taking proper care of your Russian volume lashes is essential to maintaining their beauty and extending their lifespan. By following these simple tips, you can keep your lashes looking fabulous and voluminous for weeks. At Katie’s Luxury Lashes, we provide expert care and maintenance advice to help you get the most out of your lash extensions.

For professional Russian volume lash services and expert care tips, visit Katie’s Luxury Lashes. Their experienced technicians are here to help you achieve and maintain stunning lashes. Contact them today to schedule your appointment and learn more about their services.

Aug 21

3 min read





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